Peer Reviewed Publications
*** postdoc co-author ** graduate co-author *undergraduate co-author +joint lead author
In Review/In Revision/Pre-Print
Grady, J.***, Q. Read***, S. Record, N. Rüger, P. Zarnetske, A. Dell, S. Hubbell, S. Michaletz, and B. Enquist. 2023. Vertical niche partitioning of life histories in a tropical forest. preprint, Authorea Preprints. In revision, Journal of Ecology.
Gerstner, B. E.**, M. E. Blair, P. Bills, C. A. Cruz-Rodriguez, and P.L. Zarnetske. In Review. Invited for Special Issue “Geodiversity Science for Society”: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
Young, M.**+, K. Dobson**+, M. Hammond, P.L. Zarnetske. Submitted. Plant community responses to direct and herbivore-mediated indirect effects of climate warming. Ecology.
Gerstner, B. E.**, M. E. Blair, P. Bills, C. A. Cruz-Rodriguez, and P.L. Zarnetske. In Review. Invited for Special Issue “Geodiversity Science for Society”: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
Young, M.**+, K. Dobson**+, M. Hammond, P.L. Zarnetske. Submitted. Plant community responses to direct and herbivore-mediated indirect effects of climate warming. Ecology.
54. Robinson, M.L. W.C. Wetzel … P.L. Zarnetske, … et al. Accepted. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory. Science.
53. Wisnoski, N. I., R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, C. P. Catano, A. Compagnoni, T. Lamy, N. K. Lany***, L. Marazzi, S. Record, A. C. Smith***, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. M. Voelker, P. L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2023. Diversity–stability relationships across organism groups and ecosystem types become decoupled across spatial scales. Ecology. DOI:10.1002/ecy.4136.
52. Gerstner, B. E.**, P. Bills, and P. L. Zarnetske. 2023. Frugivoria: A trait database for birds and mammals exhibiting frugivory across contiguous Neotropical moist forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/geb.13716.
47. Jarzyna, MA, KEA Norman, JM LaMontagne, MR Helmus, D Li, SM Parker, M Perez Rocha, S Record, ER Sokol, PL Zarnetske and TD Surasinghe. 2022. Community stability is related to animal diversity change. Invited for Special Issue on NEON Science Summit in Ecosphere. 13:e3970. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3970
46. Nagy, R.C. … P.L. Zarnetske, … et al. 2021. Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Special issue on NEON Science Summit in Ecosphere. 12: e03833. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3833.
45. Lamy, T., N. I. Wisnoski, R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, A. Compagnoni, N. Lany***, L. Marazzi, S. Record, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. Voelker, S. Wang, P.L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2021. The dual nature of metacommunity variability. Oikos 130:2078–2092. doi: 10.1111/oik.08517.
44. Dahlin, K.M., P.L. Zarnetske, Q.D. Read***, L.A. Twardochleb**, A.G. Kamoske, K.S. Cheruvelil, and P.A. Soranno. 2021. “Linking Terrestrial and Aquatic Biodiversity to Ecosystem Function Across Scales, Trophic Levels, and Realms.” Frontiers in Environmental Science 9.
43. Charney, N.D., S. Record, B.E. Gerstner**, C. Merow, P.L. Zarnetske, and B.J. Enquist. 2021. A Test of Species Distribution Model Transferability Across Environmental and Geographic Space for 108 Western North American Tree Species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.
42. Smith, A.C.***, K.M. Dahlin, S. Record, J.K. Costanza, A.M. Wilson, and P.L. Zarnetske. 2021. The geodiv R package: Tools for calculating gradient surface metrics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:2094–2100. doi:
41. Zarnetske, P.L., J. Gurevitch, J. Franklin, P.M. Groffman, C.S. Harrison, J.J. Hellmann, F.M. Hoffman, S. Kothari, A. Robock, S. Tilmes, D. Visioni, J. Wu, L. Xia, and C-E. Yang. 2021. Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention by Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, no. 15. doi:
53. Wisnoski, N. I., R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, C. P. Catano, A. Compagnoni, T. Lamy, N. K. Lany***, L. Marazzi, S. Record, A. C. Smith***, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. M. Voelker, P. L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2023. Diversity–stability relationships across organism groups and ecosystem types become decoupled across spatial scales. Ecology. DOI:10.1002/ecy.4136.
52. Gerstner, B. E.**, P. Bills, and P. L. Zarnetske. 2023. Frugivoria: A trait database for birds and mammals exhibiting frugivory across contiguous Neotropical moist forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/geb.13716.
- Related Data Publication: Gerstner et al. 2023 Environmental Data Initiative (Frugivoria database)
- Media Coverage: Supersized fruit eater database on climate change frontline
- Media Coverage: Mixing theory, observation to envision warmer world
- Media Coverage: Nature Ecology and Evolution Behind the Paper, NEON Observatory Blog
- Media Coverage: NEON Observatory Blog
47. Jarzyna, MA, KEA Norman, JM LaMontagne, MR Helmus, D Li, SM Parker, M Perez Rocha, S Record, ER Sokol, PL Zarnetske and TD Surasinghe. 2022. Community stability is related to animal diversity change. Invited for Special Issue on NEON Science Summit in Ecosphere. 13:e3970. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3970
46. Nagy, R.C. … P.L. Zarnetske, … et al. 2021. Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Special issue on NEON Science Summit in Ecosphere. 12: e03833. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3833.
45. Lamy, T., N. I. Wisnoski, R. Andrade, M. C. N. Castorani, A. Compagnoni, N. Lany***, L. Marazzi, S. Record, C. M. Swan, J. D. Tonkin, N. Voelker, S. Wang, P.L. Zarnetske, and E. R. Sokol. 2021. The dual nature of metacommunity variability. Oikos 130:2078–2092. doi: 10.1111/oik.08517.
44. Dahlin, K.M., P.L. Zarnetske, Q.D. Read***, L.A. Twardochleb**, A.G. Kamoske, K.S. Cheruvelil, and P.A. Soranno. 2021. “Linking Terrestrial and Aquatic Biodiversity to Ecosystem Function Across Scales, Trophic Levels, and Realms.” Frontiers in Environmental Science 9.
43. Charney, N.D., S. Record, B.E. Gerstner**, C. Merow, P.L. Zarnetske, and B.J. Enquist. 2021. A Test of Species Distribution Model Transferability Across Environmental and Geographic Space for 108 Western North American Tree Species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.
42. Smith, A.C.***, K.M. Dahlin, S. Record, J.K. Costanza, A.M. Wilson, and P.L. Zarnetske. 2021. The geodiv R package: Tools for calculating gradient surface metrics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:2094–2100. doi:
41. Zarnetske, P.L., J. Gurevitch, J. Franklin, P.M. Groffman, C.S. Harrison, J.J. Hellmann, F.M. Hoffman, S. Kothari, A. Robock, S. Tilmes, D. Visioni, J. Wu, L. Xia, and C-E. Yang. 2021. Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention by Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, no. 15. doi:
40. Charbonneau, B.R., S.M. Dohner, J.P. Wnek, D. Barber, P.L. Zarnetske, and B.B. Casper. 2021. Vegetation effects on coastal foredune initiation: Wind tunnel experiments and field validation for three dune-building plants. Geomorphology 378:107594. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.107594.
Media Coverage: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
39. Record, S., Voelker, N.M., Zarnetske, P.L., Wisnoski, N.I., Tonkin, J.D., Swan, C., Marazzi, L., Lany, N., Lamy, T., Compagnoni, A., Castorani, M.C.N., Andrade, R. & Sokol, E.R. 2021. Novel Insights to Be Gained From Applying Metacommunity Theory to Long-Term, Spatially Replicated Biodiversity Data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8.
34. Record, S., K.M. Dahlin, P.L. Zarnetske, Q.D. Read***, S.L. Malone, K. Gaddis, J.M. Grady***, J. Costanza, M. Hobi, A. Latimer, S. Pau, A.M. Wilson, A. Finley, S. Ollinger. (invited). 2020. Remote sensing of geodiversity and biodiversity. Chapter in: Remote Sensing of Biodiversity: Using spectral signals to understand the biology and biodiversity of plants, communities, ecosystems and the tree of life. Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry Series. Editors: Jeannine Cavender-Bares, John Gamon, Phil Townsend. pp. 225-253.
33. Dahlin, K.M., P.L. Zarnetske, S. Record. 2019. Hear Every Voice - Working Groups that Work. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17:493-494. doi:10.1002/fee.2115
32. Schrodt, F., J. J. Bailey, W. D. Kissling, K. F. Rijsdijk, A. C. Seijmonsbergen, D. van Ree, J. Hjort, R. S. Lawley, C. N. Williams, M. G. Anderson, P. Beier, P. van Beukering, D. S. Boyd, J. Brilha, L. Carcavilla, K. M. Dahlin, J. C. Gill, J. E. Gordon, M. Gray, M. Grundy, M. L. Hunter, J. J. Lawler, M. Monge-Ganuzas, K. R. Royse, I. Stewart, S. Record, W. Turner, P. L. Zarnetske, and R. Field. 2019. Opinion: To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116:16155–16158. doi:10.1073/pnas.1911799116.
31. Zarnetske, P.L., Q.D. Read***, S. Record, K.D. Gaddis, S. Pau, M.L. Hobi, S.L. Malone, J. Costanza, K.M. Dahlin, A.M. Latimer, A.M. Wilson, J.M. Grady***, S.V. Ollinger, A.O. Finley. 2019. Towards connecting biodiversity and geodiversity across scales with satellite remote sensing. Global Ecology & Biogeography. doi:10.1111/geb.12887
30. Grady, J.M.***, B.S. Maitner, A.S. Winter, K. Kaschner, D.P. Tittensor, S. Record, F.A. Smith, A.M. Wilson, A.I. Dell, P.L. Zarnetske, H.J. Wearing, B. Alfaro, J.H. Brown. 2019. Metabolic asymmetry and the global diversity of marine predators. Science. 363:eaat4220. doi: 10.1126/science.aat4220
28. Record, S., A. Strecker, M-N. Tuanmu, L. Beaudrot, P.L. Zarnetske, J. Belmaker, and B. Gerstner.** 2018. Does scale matter? A systematic review of incorporating biological realism when predicting changes in species distributions. PLoS ONE. 13:4 e0194650. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194650.
26. Lany, N.K.***, P.L. Zarnetske, E. M. Schliep, R. Schaeffer, C.M. Orians, D.A. Orwig, and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Asymmetric biotic interactions and abiotic niche differences revealed by a dynamic joint species distribution model. Ecology. 99:1018-1023. doi: 10.1002/ecy.2190
22. Schliep, E., N.K. Lany***, P.L. Zarnetske, R. Schaeffer, C. Orians, D. Orwig, and E. Preisser. 2018. Joint species distribution modeling for spatio-temporal occurrence and ordinal abundance data. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 27:142–155. doi: 10.1111/geb.12666.
21. Ruggiero, P., S.D. Hacker, E.W. Seabloom, and P.L. Zarnetske. 2018. (invited). The role of vegetation in determining dune morphology, exposure to sea level rise, and storm-induced coastal hazards: A U.S. Pacific Northwest perspective. Chapter in: Barrier Dynamics and Response to Changing Climate, L. Moore, B. Murray, eds. Springer International Publishing. pp 337-361.
20. Urban, M., P.L. Zarnetske, D.K. Skelly. 2017. (invited). Searching for biotic multipliers of climate change. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 57:134–147. doi: 10.1093/icb/icx045.
19. Lany, N.K.***, P.L. Zarnetske, T. Gouhier. T, and B.A. Menge. 2017. (invited). Incorporating the context dependency of species interactions into species distribution models. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 57:159–167. doi: 10.1093/icb/icx057
18. Zarnetske, P.L., A. Strecker, S. Record, B. Baiser, J. Belmaker, and M-N. Tuanmu. 2017. (invited). The interplay between landscape structure and biotic interactions. Current Landscape Ecology Reports. 2(1), 12-29. doi:10.1007/s40823-017-0021-5
17. Zarnetske, P.L., P. Ruggiero, E.W. Seabloom, and S.D. Hacker. 2015. Coastal foredune evolution: the relative influence of vegetation and sand supply in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0017
16. Belmaker, J.+, P.L. Zarnetske+, M-N. Tuanmu, S. Zonneveld, S. Record, S., A. Strecker, and L. Beaudrot. 2015. Empirical evidence for the scale-dependence of biotic interactions. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/geb.12311
14. David, A.S., P.L. Zarnetske, S.D. Hacker, P. Ruggiero, R. Biel, E.W. Seabloom. 2015. Invasive congeners differ in successional impacts across space and time. PLoS ONE. 10, e0117283. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117283.
13. Blois, J.L., P.L. Zarnetske, M.C. Fitzpatrick, and S. Finnegan. 2013. Climate change and the past, present, and future of biotic interactions. Science 341:499–504. doi: 10.1126/science.1237184 (invited for special issue: “Natural Systems in Changing Climates”)
11. Zarnetske, P.L., T.C. Gouhier, S.D. Hacker, E.W. Seabloom, and V. A. Bokil. 2013. Indirect effects and facilitation among native and non-native species promote invasion success along an environmental stress gradient. Journal of Ecology: 101:905-915 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12093.
9. Zarnetske, P.L., D.K. Skelly, and M.C. Urban. 2012. Biotic multipliers of climate change. Science 336:1516-1518.
7. Hacker, S.D., P.L. Zarnetske, E.W. Seabloom, P. Ruggiero, J. Mull, S. Gerrity, and C. Jones*. 2012. Subtle differences in two non-native congeneric beach grasses significantly affect their colonization, spread, and impact. Oikos 121:138-148.
6. Zarnetske, P.L., E.W. Seabloom, and S.D. Hacker. 2010. Non-target effects of invasive species management: beachgrass, birds, and bulldozers in coastal dunes. Ecosphere 1(5):art13.
4. Menge, B.A., F. Chan, S. Dudas, D. Eerkes-Medrano, K. Grorud-Colvert, K. Heiman, M. Hessing-Lewis, A. Iles, R. Milston-Clements, M. Noble, K. Page-Albins, E. Richmond, G. Rilov, J. Rose, J. Tyburczy, L. Vinueza, P.L. Zarnetske. 2009. Do terrestrial ecologists ignore aquatic literature? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:182-183.
3. Zarnetske, P.L., T.C. Edwards, Jr., and G.G. Moisen. 2007. Habitat classification modeling with incomplete data: pushing the habitat envelope. Ecological Applications 17:1714–1726.
2. Zarnetske, P.L., T.C. Edwards, Jr., and G.G. Moisen. 2006. Modeling forest bird species likelihood of occurrence in Utah with FIA and Landfire map products. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. October 3-6, 2005, Portland, ME. USDA GTR WO-77.
1. Nyhus, P.J., F.R. Cole, D.H. Firmage, and P.S. Lehmann. 2002. Enhancing education through research in the Environmental Science Laboratory: Integrating GIS and project-based learning at Colby College. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly. September: 34-40.
Media Coverage: Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
39. Record, S., Voelker, N.M., Zarnetske, P.L., Wisnoski, N.I., Tonkin, J.D., Swan, C., Marazzi, L., Lany, N., Lamy, T., Compagnoni, A., Castorani, M.C.N., Andrade, R. & Sokol, E.R. 2021. Novel Insights to Be Gained From Applying Metacommunity Theory to Long-Term, Spatially Replicated Biodiversity Data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8.
- Media Coverage: LTER Network News
- Media Coverage: MSU NatSci Press Release
- Media Coverage: MSU NatSci Press Release
- Media Coverage: MSU Today
34. Record, S., K.M. Dahlin, P.L. Zarnetske, Q.D. Read***, S.L. Malone, K. Gaddis, J.M. Grady***, J. Costanza, M. Hobi, A. Latimer, S. Pau, A.M. Wilson, A. Finley, S. Ollinger. (invited). 2020. Remote sensing of geodiversity and biodiversity. Chapter in: Remote Sensing of Biodiversity: Using spectral signals to understand the biology and biodiversity of plants, communities, ecosystems and the tree of life. Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry Series. Editors: Jeannine Cavender-Bares, John Gamon, Phil Townsend. pp. 225-253.
33. Dahlin, K.M., P.L. Zarnetske, S. Record. 2019. Hear Every Voice - Working Groups that Work. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17:493-494. doi:10.1002/fee.2115
32. Schrodt, F., J. J. Bailey, W. D. Kissling, K. F. Rijsdijk, A. C. Seijmonsbergen, D. van Ree, J. Hjort, R. S. Lawley, C. N. Williams, M. G. Anderson, P. Beier, P. van Beukering, D. S. Boyd, J. Brilha, L. Carcavilla, K. M. Dahlin, J. C. Gill, J. E. Gordon, M. Gray, M. Grundy, M. L. Hunter, J. J. Lawler, M. Monge-Ganuzas, K. R. Royse, I. Stewart, S. Record, W. Turner, P. L. Zarnetske, and R. Field. 2019. Opinion: To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116:16155–16158. doi:10.1073/pnas.1911799116.
31. Zarnetske, P.L., Q.D. Read***, S. Record, K.D. Gaddis, S. Pau, M.L. Hobi, S.L. Malone, J. Costanza, K.M. Dahlin, A.M. Latimer, A.M. Wilson, J.M. Grady***, S.V. Ollinger, A.O. Finley. 2019. Towards connecting biodiversity and geodiversity across scales with satellite remote sensing. Global Ecology & Biogeography. doi:10.1111/geb.12887
30. Grady, J.M.***, B.S. Maitner, A.S. Winter, K. Kaschner, D.P. Tittensor, S. Record, F.A. Smith, A.M. Wilson, A.I. Dell, P.L. Zarnetske, H.J. Wearing, B. Alfaro, J.H. Brown. 2019. Metabolic asymmetry and the global diversity of marine predators. Science. 363:eaat4220. doi: 10.1126/science.aat4220
- Example Media Coverage: EurekaAlert, The Atlantic, Science
28. Record, S., A. Strecker, M-N. Tuanmu, L. Beaudrot, P.L. Zarnetske, J. Belmaker, and B. Gerstner.** 2018. Does scale matter? A systematic review of incorporating biological realism when predicting changes in species distributions. PLoS ONE. 13:4 e0194650. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194650.
- Media Coverage:
26. Lany, N.K.***, P.L. Zarnetske, E. M. Schliep, R. Schaeffer, C.M. Orians, D.A. Orwig, and E.L. Preisser. 2018. Asymmetric biotic interactions and abiotic niche differences revealed by a dynamic joint species distribution model. Ecology. 99:1018-1023. doi: 10.1002/ecy.2190
- Media coverage: MSU AgBioResearch highlight
- Media coverage: Ecography blog feature
- Media coverage: MSU AgBioResearch highlight, Bryn Mawr College News
22. Schliep, E., N.K. Lany***, P.L. Zarnetske, R. Schaeffer, C. Orians, D. Orwig, and E. Preisser. 2018. Joint species distribution modeling for spatio-temporal occurrence and ordinal abundance data. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 27:142–155. doi: 10.1111/geb.12666.
21. Ruggiero, P., S.D. Hacker, E.W. Seabloom, and P.L. Zarnetske. 2018. (invited). The role of vegetation in determining dune morphology, exposure to sea level rise, and storm-induced coastal hazards: A U.S. Pacific Northwest perspective. Chapter in: Barrier Dynamics and Response to Changing Climate, L. Moore, B. Murray, eds. Springer International Publishing. pp 337-361.
20. Urban, M., P.L. Zarnetske, D.K. Skelly. 2017. (invited). Searching for biotic multipliers of climate change. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 57:134–147. doi: 10.1093/icb/icx045.
19. Lany, N.K.***, P.L. Zarnetske, T. Gouhier. T, and B.A. Menge. 2017. (invited). Incorporating the context dependency of species interactions into species distribution models. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 57:159–167. doi: 10.1093/icb/icx057
18. Zarnetske, P.L., A. Strecker, S. Record, B. Baiser, J. Belmaker, and M-N. Tuanmu. 2017. (invited). The interplay between landscape structure and biotic interactions. Current Landscape Ecology Reports. 2(1), 12-29. doi:10.1007/s40823-017-0021-5
17. Zarnetske, P.L., P. Ruggiero, E.W. Seabloom, and S.D. Hacker. 2015. Coastal foredune evolution: the relative influence of vegetation and sand supply in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2015.0017
16. Belmaker, J.+, P.L. Zarnetske+, M-N. Tuanmu, S. Zonneveld, S. Record, S., A. Strecker, and L. Beaudrot. 2015. Empirical evidence for the scale-dependence of biotic interactions. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/geb.12311
- Recommended to Faculty of 1000
14. David, A.S., P.L. Zarnetske, S.D. Hacker, P. Ruggiero, R. Biel, E.W. Seabloom. 2015. Invasive congeners differ in successional impacts across space and time. PLoS ONE. 10, e0117283. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117283.
13. Blois, J.L., P.L. Zarnetske, M.C. Fitzpatrick, and S. Finnegan. 2013. Climate change and the past, present, and future of biotic interactions. Science 341:499–504. doi: 10.1126/science.1237184 (invited for special issue: “Natural Systems in Changing Climates”)
- Media Coverage: Science Podcast, Eurekalert, ScienceDaily, NSF, Yale University, UC Merced, UMD Center for Environmental Science
11. Zarnetske, P.L., T.C. Gouhier, S.D. Hacker, E.W. Seabloom, and V. A. Bokil. 2013. Indirect effects and facilitation among native and non-native species promote invasion success along an environmental stress gradient. Journal of Ecology: 101:905-915 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12093.
- Highly Commended for Harper Prize Young Investigator Award: Featured in Virtual Issue & Journal of Ecology blog
9. Zarnetske, P.L., D.K. Skelly, and M.C. Urban. 2012. Biotic multipliers of climate change. Science 336:1516-1518.
- Media Coverage: Yale Scientific, ClimateWire, ClimateNeeds YaleNews, EurekAlert, ScienceNewsline, ScienceDaily, NSF, redOrbit,
7. Hacker, S.D., P.L. Zarnetske, E.W. Seabloom, P. Ruggiero, J. Mull, S. Gerrity, and C. Jones*. 2012. Subtle differences in two non-native congeneric beach grasses significantly affect their colonization, spread, and impact. Oikos 121:138-148.
6. Zarnetske, P.L., E.W. Seabloom, and S.D. Hacker. 2010. Non-target effects of invasive species management: beachgrass, birds, and bulldozers in coastal dunes. Ecosphere 1(5):art13.
- Media Coverage: The Seattle Times, Breaking Waves, Oregon Sea Grant
4. Menge, B.A., F. Chan, S. Dudas, D. Eerkes-Medrano, K. Grorud-Colvert, K. Heiman, M. Hessing-Lewis, A. Iles, R. Milston-Clements, M. Noble, K. Page-Albins, E. Richmond, G. Rilov, J. Rose, J. Tyburczy, L. Vinueza, P.L. Zarnetske. 2009. Do terrestrial ecologists ignore aquatic literature? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:182-183.
3. Zarnetske, P.L., T.C. Edwards, Jr., and G.G. Moisen. 2007. Habitat classification modeling with incomplete data: pushing the habitat envelope. Ecological Applications 17:1714–1726.
2. Zarnetske, P.L., T.C. Edwards, Jr., and G.G. Moisen. 2006. Modeling forest bird species likelihood of occurrence in Utah with FIA and Landfire map products. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium. October 3-6, 2005, Portland, ME. USDA GTR WO-77.
1. Nyhus, P.J., F.R. Cole, D.H. Firmage, and P.S. Lehmann. 2002. Enhancing education through research in the Environmental Science Laboratory: Integrating GIS and project-based learning at Colby College. Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly. September: 34-40.
Thesis, Dissertation, and Non-Refereed Publications
7. Zarnetske, P.L. 2017. (Invited) Supertramps and checkerboards revisited: updating analyses of species co-occurrences and community assembly [Review of the Book Patterns in nature: analysis of species co-occurrences, by James Sanderson, Stuart Pimm]. Ecology, 2169–2170.
6. Zarnetske, P.L. and A. Wilson. 2013. Sustaining ecological communities and their ecosystem services in an era of rapid global change. Yale Climate & Energy Institute.
5. Wilson, A. and P.L. Zarnetske. 2013. Forecasting biodiversity: how confident should we be? Yale Climate & Energy Institute.
4. Zarnetske, P.L. 2011. The influence of biophysical feedbacks and species interactions on grass invasions and coastal dune morphology in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Dissertation. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. 178 pp.
3. Ruggiero, P., J. Mull, P.L. Zarnetske, S. Hacker, and E. Seabloom. 2011. Interannual to decadal foredune evolution, Proceedings Coastal Sediments 2011, ASCE, Miami, FL.
2. Zarnetske, P.L. 2006. Landscape-scale habitat classification modeling with incomplete data: the generation of ecologically-based pseudo-absence points. Thesis. Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA. 168 pp.
1. Zarnetske, P.L. 2006. Predicting habitat suitability with extant presence points and ecologically-based pseudo-absence points for a lesser-known species: the American Three-Toed Woodpecker (Picoides dorsalis). USFS unpublished report to accompany Zarnetske (2006). 94 pp.
6. Zarnetske, P.L. and A. Wilson. 2013. Sustaining ecological communities and their ecosystem services in an era of rapid global change. Yale Climate & Energy Institute.
5. Wilson, A. and P.L. Zarnetske. 2013. Forecasting biodiversity: how confident should we be? Yale Climate & Energy Institute.
4. Zarnetske, P.L. 2011. The influence of biophysical feedbacks and species interactions on grass invasions and coastal dune morphology in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Dissertation. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA. 178 pp.
3. Ruggiero, P., J. Mull, P.L. Zarnetske, S. Hacker, and E. Seabloom. 2011. Interannual to decadal foredune evolution, Proceedings Coastal Sediments 2011, ASCE, Miami, FL.
2. Zarnetske, P.L. 2006. Landscape-scale habitat classification modeling with incomplete data: the generation of ecologically-based pseudo-absence points. Thesis. Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA. 168 pp.
1. Zarnetske, P.L. 2006. Predicting habitat suitability with extant presence points and ecologically-based pseudo-absence points for a lesser-known species: the American Three-Toed Woodpecker (Picoides dorsalis). USFS unpublished report to accompany Zarnetske (2006). 94 pp.