Datasets, R Packages, GitHub
Gerstner, B.E**., P.L. Zarnetske, and P. Bills. 2023. Frugivoria: A trait database for birds and mammals exhibiting frugivory across contiguous Neotropical moist forests ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative.
Twardochleb, L.A.**, E. Hiltner*, M. Pyne, P. Bills, and P.L. Zarnetske. 2020. Freshwater insect occurrences and traits for the contiguous United States, 2001 - 2018 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative.
Twardochleb, L.A.**, E. Hiltner*, M. Pyne, P. Bills, and P.L. Zarnetske. 2020. Freshwater insect occurrences and traits for the contiguous United States, 2001 - 2018 ver 5. Environmental Data Initiative.
3. Smith, A.C.*** , P.L. Zarnetske, K. Dahlin, A. Wilson, A. Latimer. 2022. CRAN. geodiv: Methods for Calculating Gradient Surface Metrics. R package version 1.0.5.
2. Read, Q.D.***, A. Yue, I.E. Fluck, B. Baiser, J.M. Grady***, P.L. Zarnetske, and S. Record. 2022. Ostats: O-statistics, or pairwise community-level niche overlap statistics. R package version 0.2.0.
1. Smith, A.C.***, A. Ballantyne, P.L. Zarnetske. 2019. disturbr: Disturbance detection and attribution in R. R package version 0.1.0.
2. Read, Q.D.***, A. Yue, I.E. Fluck, B. Baiser, J.M. Grady***, P.L. Zarnetske, and S. Record. 2022. Ostats: O-statistics, or pairwise community-level niche overlap statistics. R package version 0.2.0.
1. Smith, A.C.***, A. Ballantyne, P.L. Zarnetske. 2019. disturbr: Disturbance detection and attribution in R. R package version 0.1.0.
aquaXterra: investigating aquatic-terrestrial linkages across scales
aquaXterra aims to understand how scale affects interactions between biodiversity and ecosystem function among terrestrial and aquatic realms. Funding: Michigan State University, NASA
- Repositories include:
bioXgeo: Biodiversity X Geodiversity
Connecting Biodiversity and Geodiversity Across Scales with Remote Sensing. Funding: NASA
- Repositories include:
IBEEM-MSU: IBEEM: The Institute for Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution, and Macrosystems at Michigan State University
IBEEM is interdisciplinary, and leverages Macrosystems Science, Ecology, and Evolution to understand & predict changes to Biodiversity. Funding: MSU Strategic Partnership Grant
- Repositories include:
kbs-lter: Kellogg Biological Station Long Term Ecological Research (KBS LTER)
KBS-LTER repositories include the Rainfall Exclusion eXperiment (REX) analysis
- Repositories include:
NEON-biodiversity: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Biodiversity Research
Research on biodiversity and community ecology and their biotic and abiotic drivers, across the National Ecological Observatory Network (funding: NSF)
- Repositories include:
SpaCE-Lab-MSU: SpaCE Lab: Spatial and Community Ecology Lab @ Michigan State University
The lab aims to understand and predict how biodiversity responds to climate change and land use changes across scales.
- Repositories include:
- warmXtrophic
- avian-meta-network
- Avian-Interaction-Database
- OTCMetaAnalysis
- r_guide
- MSUGradSpatialEcology - Graduate Spatial Ecology (IBIO870) Labs; website =
srm-ecology: Ecological impacts of solar radiation modification
Aim: to understand and predict potential ecological impacts of solar radiation geoengineering. Funding: US National Science Foundation
- Repositories include:
xprize-msu: XPRIZE Rainforest: Amazonas/MSU Team
code shared among members of the XPRIZE Rainforest team: ACT NOW Amazonas Action Alliance. Funding: Michigan State University